Monday, August 29, 2011

"God grew tired of us"

before you judge me, NO iwas NOT on worldstar. my brother sent me this vid & i found it soooo interesting (and hilarious) that i decided to post it. im actually about to try & find this whole documentary tonight... iwish i could find these PEOPLE &befriend them! anywaydoe.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


"ihad a dream he put his finger in my mouth nohomo. & iwas so angry! itried to bite it off. yea, he's definitely like the world's... biggest germ- haver."

"dom's birthday lasts for like 16 days or something weird like that. she be like "you not gon buy me a birthday drink?!" "dom, ya birthday is in 4 weeks!"

"nobody's tryna steal nicki's swag! she's a clown!! he was tryna throw shade like, 'hmm.. im pretty sure iremember you wanting a catsuit." imean, yeah nicki had a nice catusit buuut. i'm not like "ooh yea, im goin for dat nicki look!"

*watching NOW 39 commercial* "i like that song... ilike that song... ilike that song... damn. maybe ishould get that cd."

"it's aj's birthday & also this boy seth they both got the same birthday which is today."

ifeel like i'm goin blind when i close my eyes."

Sunday, August 7, 2011

jawnny says...

"iLOVE tyler! when im around him, ijust wanna be like... "hi-eeee!!!" & smile & pet him!"*

don't call me a bitch.

iremember the first time iwas called a bitch.

i was 8 years old & ihad just come from playing in the schoolyard with my 3rd grade class. see, only a few of us were privileged to enjoy recess that day-- all the fresh kids had to stay instead & write lines. iwas especially pleased with myself because ihad outrun the cutest boy in the class-- we'll call him "jay"-- in tag.

Monday, August 1, 2011

weekend activities.

my weekend was filled with #dummymissions but i'm not mad at it.


im not THAT* mad at it.

i stopped by the seaport block party for all of 25 minutes on saturday night (before galavanting off to an imaginary cookout... in 5-inch platforms. but i digress).

the funnies.

haven't blogged since thursday. i'm not even gonna discuss the fact that i've been locked out of my apartment for the past 25 hours because that's not important. what is important is that i'm back... albeit with very few quotes (mostly because ihad locked all my belongings -- including my phone-- in my apt. & therefore literally had nothing-- not even a sliver of paper-- on which i could scribble my quotes!) yes, i am outta breath from that run- on sentence. ugh, get thee beHiND me satan!

"she ALWAYS eatin hot dogs-- breakfast, lunch, dinner!! ... so istarted eatin em with her."

"iwonder if he looked through all my profile pictures. cuz if he did... he'sssss gonna be a lil disappointed cuz them thangs go back to freshman year. " -_-


"they don't even letchu reLAX whe you get a pedicure up here! like, can i put my feet in the water first?? damn! that's what i'm here for, to relax & let that jet of water beat against my feet!"
