last weekend was one of those weekends.
i stepped into walgreens & let OFF (i find that walgreens has a better selection & more sales than cvs. & im cheap like that. so i quit cvs. *shrugs*)
i got a whole slew of new playthings so i have a whole slew of reviews to write
and this is my first.
being that i was fresh out of my fave moisturizing lip balm (palmers cocoa butter stick) and it is getting cold & dry outside (hello!) iwas pressed to find a replacement girl.
okay, i had seen a girl in one of my classes rubbing this weird egg- shaped lip balm on and it fascinated me.
and when iread the packaging, there were all these key words that made me wanna buy it-- brand advertisers knowww how to get me. "all natural" "95 % organic" "shea butter"-- listen, i didnt even care that it cost twice as much as a normal lip balm, i needed that.
so the brand is called eos, which stands for the "evolution of smooth."
when i got that thang home, i was sooo excited. when i opened it up, it smelled like a delicious childhood memory (summer fruit scent). but when i first applied it, i was mad.
i like to be able to feel my lip balm when i rub my lips together. there was no residue. i dont expect to be glossed- up from a balm, but i like a lil sheen. there was no sheen. iwas so mad. but my lips were veryyyy soft. they looked naked. it kinda grew on me doe.
then i had the bright idea to apply it after my lips were already moist. sometimes i rub olive oil on my lips while in the house (the air in my house is sooo dry), so i applied my eos on top of that & nothing really happened. then i thought-- if the balm is made of shea butter, maybe it needs to melt a lil bit. yknow how you have to melt shea butter in your hands before applying it to your hair or body? right.
so i left the balm on my windowsill, in direct sunlight while i took a nap. voila!
it went on smoother, and i could actually feel it when i rubbed my lips together.
iwas preaching about the goodness of eos all weekend.
and then i left mine at work. -_-
ooh, i was so mad!
& im such a germophobe that once i lose a lip balm? im NOT taking it back, even if somebody hand- delivers it to my door. idunno. ihave visions of somebody finding it and using it & me contracting herpes from it. blech.
but-- iliked the eos lip balm so much that iwent right back to walgreens the first thing tuesday morning & got a new one.
long story short, this lip balm makes me very happy.
the packaging is cutesy.
it smells like heaven.
it's 95 % organic
it tastes like candy
it will turn you into a smooth operator. smooooooooooove operator.
i think i just quit Palmers.
yup. im acting brand new.*
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