if you know me or if you know my blog. you know that ihave a bunch of people surrounding me. who say the most off the wall things-- generally without warning. i used to give sections to the most off the wall characters in my life, but they never really lasted. kory left me. cyro left me. i left daddy. sooo i have decided to title this section "jawnny says" because SHE will never leave me. & she's effing ridiculous smh.
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
K- will's mother is so cute.
J- yea. i jus wish she woulda raised her son.
J- yea. i jus wish she woulda raised her son.
Mary Poppins.
"i've never seen mary poppins. i know it's about some nanny bitch wit a umbrella, right?"
strangely enough. i've never heard a more succinct summation of mary poppins.*