Friday, February 12, 2010

The Gateway Drug

Whew! Well hello lovers! After laying up in my dorm for a virtual week cupcaking my Sims 3, it feels goooood to be reunited with my BAOww.* I feel like Sims is my selfish, abusive boyfriend that keeps me locked up in the house and away from the people I love. And my lovestuck ass doesnt even realize it until 6 hours later when my body rashes me for not feeding it all day! Oh, I'm sorry. I be so immersed in the game that when my Sim eats, I feel like I'm eating. I don't realize that I haven't talked to any real people all day because my Sim is super popular. Her friends are my friends. And I don't notice that although I have watched the sun rise and set, I have not ventured outside of my room because Sims 3 allows your Sim to own cars-- yea, I copped my Sim that fast red thang-- and she whipsssssss! Wait... now I'm embarassed. This is SO not okay. The Sims 3 is officially the NEW&iMPROVED gateway drug. All my friends tell me I should cut down on my Sims time. Deep down inside, I know they're right. I know I've become the equivalent to that creepy Asian kid who goes to Boston Bowl directly after school everyday to play Dance Dance Revolution. I don't even care that all the cool kids are pointing and laughing. Oh yea, I get open. I got that sh.t on my laptop now. I OPENLY play Sims WHEREVER I am.. cafeteria, library, class. They tryna make me go to rehab, I won't go, go, go.